Honey-salt-nuts meet a Pale Ale

Salty snacks go very well with most beers. No wonder they are served with beer in every good pub. The choice of nuts is relatively free; this time I used cashews and macadamia nuts. I seasoned them with a little honey, brown sugar, sea salt, paprika, curry and mustard. Depending on the desired flavour, other types of nuts and spices also go well. After 15 minutes in the oven, the honey-salt nuts were already roasted. Child’s play, with a high addiction factor.

Salty things usually go well with bitter. That’s why I tried a Pale Ale with 5.5% vol. from Kinn Bryggeri in Norway; brewed with the hop varieties East Kent Golding, Hallertau Mittelfrüh and Amarillo, fermented on a Belgian yeast. Pale Ales are usually somewhat fruity, but also bring some bitterness due to the aroma hops used. Kinn’s Pale Ale was less bitter than I would have expected. It also didn’t come with dark malts that would have picked up the sweetness and roasted flavours of the nuts a bit. I still liked it with the nuts. I’ll give myself a self-critical 3 out of 5 points. As I said, salty snacks go well with most beers; you can’t really go far wrong. But a Brown Ale or a Stout would probably have gone better here. Learning! Next time I’ll go a bit more into the spicy area with the nuts and combine them with an India Pale Ale. Because: hop bitterness has a balancing effect on spicy. Cheers & Bon appétit!

Matching Points: 3/5


200g cashews
200g macadamia nuts
40 grams honey
20 grams brown sugar
1 tbsp sunflower oil
2 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp paprika seasoning
1 tbsp curry spice
1 tsp mustard


1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees top/bottom heat; heat honey and sugar in a pot.
2. Put the nuts in a bowl and mix well with the spices and the liquid honey-sugar.
3. Spread the nuts on a baking tray and roast for 15 minutes; then leave to cool.

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